Our new diocesan website dedicated to fostering priestly vocations, www.dolpriest.ca, was launched on Priesthood Sunday, Sept. 29, 2019. The hope of this site is that it will lead young men who are discerning the priesthood to discover the gift of their vocation, and offer them resources that are relevant to their experience. The site is regularly updated by Fr. Danny Santos, Director of Vocations and Seminarians. Please share the address of the website, in particular if you know of someone who might be interested in the priesthood.
A woman who enters consecrated life chooses to deepen her baptismal commitment by taking vows which emphasize the values of prayer, loving service, and simple living in community with others. Consecrated women serve the Church and community in many ways, including: youth ministry, homeless and hungry, battered women, education, healthcare, family life and parish pastoral ministry. Some Sisters are totally dedicated to the contemplative life. The resources here are to help a discerning woman discover the next steps in her journey. May God bless you as you search for His holy will.